The first month of The New Year is almost over. Do you remember the promises you made to yourself? And do you follow your New Year’s beauty decisions? In case you missed them or forgot them, you can read Part 1 of our suggestions here.
#5 I will have a “me time” every Sunday
Choose a day to do something just for you. What better day than Sunday? Build a ritual with which you will relax and “recharge your batteries” for the new week. Whether you choose to do yoga, read good books, or just drink detox tea … all this will improve your mood and make you feel better.
In addition, to completely relax, you can do something to improve the condition of your hair. Use hair ampoules to nourish it in depth. And why not combine hair care with facial skincare? How very easy!
While waiting for the hair ampoules to work, use a face mask. Don’t look for an occasion to add luxurious care that will make your skin more valuable than gold.
#6 I will stick to a skincare routine: cleanse, moisturize, protect
Whatever cosmetics you use will not work if you do not build a skincare routine to follow. It does not need to be complicated and involve many products, the basic steps are quite sufficient – cleanse, moisturize, and protect.
Daily cleansing of the skin is very important to remove all dirt and makeup residue. Then it is good to apply a suitable moisturizer to prevent the skin from drying out.
Don’t forget the area around the eyes. This is a very delicate area, which unfortunately first shows the signs of aging. For this area, we recommend using products with a light texture because it is absorbed very quickly.
Include appropriate serums in your routine to provide extra protection for your skin. Vitamin C, for example, is one of the most powerful antioxidants for the skin.
#7 I will take care of my hair
Invest in good hairstyle tools. When using a quality brush or hairdryer you will prevent breakage and drying of the hair that they could cause. Everyone wants to enjoy a beautiful hairstyle, but this should not be at the expense of healthy hair. When shaping your style, use lower temperatures and special thermal protection. After spraying the surface of the hair, a protective film is formed.
#8 I will start taking anti-age seriously
Over the years, our skin changes and this is completely normal. However, it is good not to put up with this fact completely, but to take matters into our own hands. That is why it is good to start using anti-aging products as soon as the first fine lines appear on the face.
For starters, you can start using antioxidants in cosmetics and also include them in your diet. Fruits, vegetables, and many nuts are rich in vitamins and minerals that have antioxidant effects and help our body fight external harmful influences.
In addition to a healthy menu, it is good to include a serum that restores the skin and acts as powerful anti-aging care. This will keep your skin young for longer and fine lines and wrinkles will be visibly reduced.
Daily hydration is also very important for anti-aging care, and how about it in combination with the best ingredient for this purpose – Retinol. This is one of the secrets for forever young skin and we have dedicated a separate article to it, which you can read here if you want to learn in detail about its unique qualities.
Be healthy and keep your New Year’s promises! See you in the next article with more beauty tips!